city’super neighbourhood
您的信用卡優惠 ( 0 )
其他信用卡優惠 (3)
American Express
到期日: 2025-01-31
1. 優惠只適用於親身到 city’super、city’super neighbourhood、LOG-ON 、city’super EKI、iza'bis by city’super 及 cafe ToGather by LOG-ON在香港的實體分店(「參與商戶」)的簽賬。優惠不適用於 city’super 及 LOG-ON 之網上商店、在自助付款機進行的簽賬及通過第三方外賣平台進行的交易。優惠不適用於購買 city’super 禮品卡或購物禮券、已折扣貸品及指定貸品/專櫃,詳情請參閱店內貨架標籤及宣傳品。
2. 美食佳釀專區 @ city’super時代廣場店:優惠只適用於櫃檯點餐服務及指定精選餐牌美食。詳情請向參與商戶職員查詢。
3. iza’bis by city’super 及 cafe ToGather by LOG-ON︰優惠需另收取以原價計算的加一服務費。
4. 優惠不可與 super e-gold 卡全年折扣優惠、會員電子優惠券、其他推廣優惠或現金券同時使用,及不可兌換現金或其他產品。此優惠之消費均不獲享 super e 會員積分或計算作累積消費。
1. 於 city’super、city’super neighbourhood、LOG-ON 及 city’super EKI 香港分店專享指定正價貨品97折之優惠; 於 iza’bis by city’super 及 cafe ToGather by LOG-ON 指定正價食品及飲品97折優惠(「優惠」)適用於2024年2月1至2025年1月31日,包括首尾兩天(「優惠期」)。
2. 會員必須於優惠期內於 city’super、city’super neighbourhood、LOG-ON 、city’super EKI、iza’bis by city’super 及 cafe ToGather by LOG-ON 在香港的實體分店(「參與商戶」)以美國運通國際股份有限公司(「美國運通」)於香港簽發的Centurion®卡、美國運通白金卡或美國運通白金信用卡(「合資格卡」,其持卡人「合資格會員」)全數簽賬,方可享用此優惠。
3. 優惠不適用於在自助付款機進行的簽賬。
4. 優惠不適用於 city’super 及 LOG-ON 之網上商店。
5. 美食佳釀專區 @ city’super時代廣場店:優惠只適用於櫃檯點餐服務及指定精選餐牌美食。詳情請向參與商戶職員查詢。
6. iza’bis by city’super 及 cafe ToGather by LOG-ON︰優惠需另收取以原價計算的加一服務費。
7. 優惠只適用於親身到店舖購物時使用。通過第三方外賣平台進行的交易不適用於此優惠。
8. 優惠不可與super e-gold 卡全年折扣優惠、會員電子優惠券、其他推廣優惠或現金券同時使用,及不可兌換現金或其他產品。
9. 此優惠之消費均不獲享 super e 會員積分或計算作累積消費。
10. 優惠不適用於購買 city’super 禮品卡或購物禮券、已折扣貨品及指定貨品/專櫃,詳情請參閱店內貨架標籤及宣傳品。
11. 所有產品、服務、諮詢及建議均由參與商戶負責提供予會員。美國運通並非該等產品及 /或服務之供應者,亦不對其作出任何表述或保證。
12. 因享用產品或服務(包括但不限於直接或間接)而造成的損失或破壞,或人身傷害,美國運通概不負責,法律規定之責任除外。
13. 如對此優惠有任何疑問,請致電卡背面顯示的24小時熱線或客户服務熱線2277 1010查詢。
14. 美國運通、City Super Limited及參與商戶保留隨時更改本條款及細則、暫停或終止優惠之權利,恕不另行通知。
15. 如有任何爭議,美國運通、City Super Limited及參與商戶保留最終決定權。
16. 本條款及細則之英、中文版本如有任何差異,概以英文版本為準。
到期日: 2025-03-31
- 細節:
1. 上述推廣活動受 Citi The Club 信用卡 – 一般條款及細則以及相關的Club 積分回贈計劃之條款及細則約束。 Club積分回贈的百分比和價值(即基本兌換率)是根據Club Shopping内之「積分扣減價格功能」及換領HKT 和Club Shopping的電子現金券的Club 積分兌換率(即每5 Club積分 = 港幣1元)。相關兌換率會不時更改,而恕不另行通知,Club HKT將有全權決定權。須受i) The Club 會員獎賞計劃及ii) Club Shopping 之條款及細則約束。花旗銀行不以任何方式對The Club 的任何事項或交易承擔任何責任或義務。
2. 於指定商戶以Citi The Club 信用卡以合資格簽賬可賺取高達4%積分回贈*,於每個月結單週期的回贈上限為1,500 Club 積分,並會存入主卡人之The Club 帳戶。當達到上限1,500 Club 積分後,持卡人仍可在合資格簽賬中賺取1% Club 積分回贈*。
Citi The Club信用卡 - 一般條款及細則:
1. 除特別註明外,優惠期由2024年1月1日至12月31日(包括首尾兩日)。
2. 除特別註明外,優惠適用於由花旗銀行(香港)有限公司及其他花旗機構(「花旗銀行」)所發行之Citi 信用卡、扣賬卡及商務卡(「認可卡」)之客戶(「客戶」)。當商戶簽賬系統不能處理個別卡種類別時,商戶會不接受有關認可卡,詳情請向有關商戶查詢。
3. 除特別註明外,客戶須於簽賬前向有關商戶示意表明享用有關優惠,並以有關認可卡全數簽賬方可享優惠。
4. 除特別註明外,客戶須於簽賬前輸人有關優惠碼(如適用),並以有關認可卡全數簽賬方可享網購優惠。
5. 除特別註明外,優惠不可與其他優惠、折扣或優惠券同時使用、不可轉讓予其他人、不可兌換現金或其他優惠。
6. 優惠須受貨品或服務供應、賬戶審查及批核、依花旗銀行及有關商戶之最終決定權而定。圖片、產品資料及價錢只供參考。
7. 花旗銀行不負責一切有關貨品或服務事宜。任何有關貨品或服務之責任,一概由有關商戶負責。
8. 花旗銀行及有關商戶保留隨時修改此條款及細則之權利而毋須另行通知。
9. 如有任何爭議,花旗銀行及有關商戶保留最終決定權。
10. 如中英文條款有所差異,一概以英文版本為準。
11. 須受其他條款及細則約束,詳情請向有關商戶查詢。
到期日: 2024-12-19
1. The promotion runs from 14 October 2024 to 19 December 2024 (both dates inclusive and based on transaction date) (the “Promotion Period”).
2. During the Promotion Period, Cardholders(“Cardholders”) holding a valid Mastercard card (“Eligible Card”) who make payments via contactless payment with any Mastercard branded contactless cards, or Apple Pay / Google Pay/ Samsung Pay with Mastercard branded cards digitally provisioned on a mobile phone or device at city’super, city’super neighbourhood, or LOG-ON Hong Kong stores (“Eligible Transaction”) can enjoy an instant discount based on the following single eligible transaction amounts on the same day:
(i) At city’super or city’super neighbourhood stores in Hong Kong, a single net transaction amount of HK$500 will receive an instant discount of HK$50 ( “Offer 1”).
(ii) At LOG-ON stores in Hong Kong, a single net transaction amount of HK$300 will receive an instant discount of HK$30 (the “Offer 2”).
Collectively “Offers”
3. The Offers of city’super, city’super neighbourhood and LOG-ON is provided on a first-come-first-served basis, while the quota lasts.
4. Unless otherwise specified, this promotion applies to transactions made at the physical stores of city’super, city’super neighbourhood and LOG-ON in Hong Kong. This promotion is not applicable to transactions made at self-checkout counters in the physical stores, city’super, city’super neighbourhood and LOG-ON E-Shop or any transactions made via third-party platforms.
5. Cardholders are required to state their intention to enjoy the Offers at the cashier counters in the physical stores of city’super, city’super neighbourhood and LOG-ON before settling the payment by Eligible Card to enjoy the Offers.
6. A "Single Net Transaction" refers to the posted retail purchase made with an Eligible Card at city’super、city’super neighbourhood or LOG-ON in a single transaction during the Promotion Period (based on transaction date). This promotion applies to the final amount of the Single Net Transaction after deduction of all applicable discounts, reductions and value of cash vouchers. Other transactions, including but not limited to purchase of baby formula, cigarette, gift/ shopping voucher, purchase or top up of city’super Gift Card, split transactions, or unposted/ cancelled/ refunded/ falsified/ unauthorized transactions are excluded. Please refer to instore price tag and promotional materials for details.
7. Each Cardholder can only redeem the Offers once per day upon making successful Eligible Transactions during the Promotion Period.
8. The Promotion will be provided by the in-store merchants at the time when the Eligible Transaction is being made. The Promotion cannot be accumulated or saved for future use.
9. The Promotion cannot be exchanged for cash, gift, service or discount.
10. All images and details are for reference only.
11. Unless otherwise specified, the Promotion cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotional offers or promotional discount coupons.
12. In case of any dispute arising out of or in relation to the Promotion, the decision City Super Limited and Mastercard Asia / Pacific (Hong Kong) Ltd shall be final.
13. City Super Limited and Mastercard Asia/Pacific (Hong Kong) Ltd. reserves the right to suspend and/ or terminate granting any offer under this Promotion, and/ or vary these terms and conditions at any time without prior notice. City Super Limited and Mastercard Asia/Pacific (Hong Kong) Ltd. accept no liability for such change or suspension/ termination.
14. Should there be any discrepancy or inconsistency between the English and the Chinese versions of these terms and conditions, the English version shall prevail.